Although we don't care too much about store bought potatoes, my husband and I are hooked on the wide variety of spuds we can grow ourselves.
Unfortunately, this picture is of the last of the potatoes from this years crop. However, we are left with
tasty memories and fun plans for next year. This year we grew Adora, Carola, Mountain Rose and Rose Finn Apple potatoes. Although they would all be worth trying again, we will be growing 5 different
varieties this year. I just want to try every variety of spuds I can get my hands on at least once if possible.
If I ever decide to grow a variety I've tried before, it is likely it will be Rose Finn Apple. It is a fingerling and was wonderful roasted whole on the grill or
fire pit or used as a
thickener. I peeled them and pureed the Rose Finn's into soups and sauces. It makes for a smooth and delicious thick soup.
The Mountain Rose is just a
beautiful spud. The rose coloring makes for unusual but lovely mashed potatoes. They were creamy and delicious. This
potato was also great fried in slices or wedges on the fire-pit. I like them for the taste alone but the pretty rose color is a nice bonus. They really dress up a plate. A spoonful of the pink Mountain Rose mashed potatoes looked nice next to a spoon of the mashed golden yellow Carola spuds. I can't say much about the storing qualities of either the Mountain Rose or Rose Finn Apple, we ate them up before they could be put to the test.
The Adora and Carola are both good potatoes but I wouldn't rush to grow them again. They were good on the fire-pit (all spuds are) or boiled and the Carola made a richly flavored mashed potato. Both were excellent keepers. We don't have a root
cellar yet (it is in the dreaming stages) but they stored well in a slightly cool basement.
I haven't found a potato we don't like yet but there are some we really love to grow. Our favorite treat will always be digging new potatoes, splashing them with the garden hose and putting them on the fire-pit without them making a trip into the house. Although we enjoy trying to eat a "
Hundred Mile Diet", nothing beats the 50 foot diet. You can't get more local than that.