It has been a while between posts. We have been keeping busy with cleaning up the garden, enjoying our harvest and a new job for me.
Using our harvests has included lots of grilling and fire pit meals along with some wine making. The potatoes have been great cooked over the fire. Our favorite has been the fingerling we grew- Rose Finn Apple. We look forward to trying several different
fingerlings next year. It has been fun to grow them in pots and any other containers we can find. We just empty them into the wheelbarrow and have
delicious spuds without the digging. I especially like the
versatility of the Rose Finn Apple. It is wonderful grilled and for thickening soups and sauces.
Our fruiting plants are still a year or more away from being fully productive but have already provided
delicious for fresh eating and
wine making. Yesterday we re-racked our Ruby's Garden wine. It is made from all the garden left-overs including black currants, raspberries, strawberries and black cherry tomatoes. Don't laugh. It has a delicate, fruity flavor and it is
definitely a one of a kind wine. The black currants lend a lovely red color.
Although we still have plenty to keep us busy, I'm already working on the garden plans for next year. Definitely more raspberry and blueberry plants. I also will give my ground cherry plants a head-start indoors. The toughest decision is which potato
varieties to try. We want them all!