February 24, 2009
Butterfly weed (or the things we do for love)
February 18, 2009
A little bit of everything...
I have checked over my seed starting supplies and inventory of perennials that will arrive in a couple months. I can't think of a variety I need but that probably won't keep me from ordering something else. I am especially eager to try growing strawberries and to grow another variety of raspberries this year. The black currants should be producing well for the first time. I would love to see some elderberries but that might be too much to ask for. Hopefully we will soon be growing enough fruit for wine and fresh eating. Speaking of wine, what do you do when you are given over 10 pounds of ripe bananas? Yes, banana wine of course. We started it yesterday and the aroma is wonderful. I just added the yeast. It is always fun to see the fermentation start which should happen in a day or so. So what does one serve banana wine with?
February 8, 2009
Seed inventory and more dreaming of spring

February 1, 2009
Home-made Root Beer
Ok, this post isn't exactly about gardening but it does include one of our favorite garden memories from last year. It was a hot late August day and we had just finished tending to our gardens including harvesting beans, carrots, tomatoes, greens, potatoes, dill and basal for dinner. We sat down on the bench after starting a fire (picture the fire-pit scene from my previous post without the snow and surrounded by lush gardens) and cracked open a frosty home-made root beer. Add a the sounds of songbirds and few hummingbirds zipping past. It was great.
The root beer: We think that nothing is better on a hot summer day than home-made root beer. We make ours from extract, sugar, yeast and water. There are probably a few good extracts available but we like Shank's. It takes about 10 days to make but is worth the wait.
Quick root beer: Sometimes we either want to avoid the sugar or don't want to wait to brew our own. The quick version we like is to mix sparkling water (or club soda) with root beer extract and stevia. Chill and drink. It is pretty good for a quick sugar free treat. One hint, don't add everything right to the bottle unless you want to create your own mini volcano (and a bit of a mess).
Real root beer: I have only tried this once and so far haven't acquired a taste for it. The version I tried included sassafras, licorice, wintergreen leaves, vanilla and yeast. I'm still looking for a recipe I like for "real" root beer.
I can't wait for summer.