December 31, 2008


One aspect of edible landscaping I especially enjoy is trying new things. A gem I found along the way is lovage. It is a lovely bushy plant and great for cooking. Most sources I have read state that one plant is enough for a family but the two of us will easily use up all of the leaves from our three plants. I am making a stock now with it and love the its scent. I froze a lot of lovage this fall and enjoy using it for soups and other recipes. It has warmed up to 0 degrees outside. I have it easy today. I'm cooking soup while my husband goes out to battle the snow and ice in our driveway.

December 28, 2008

Dreaming of spring

This seems an odd time to start writing about gardening. I look at my yard and struggle to picture how it will look this spring. I try to visualize a raised bed filled with strawberries, another of asparagus and raspberries, cucumbers and tomatoes scattered throughout my gardens. But all I see is snow and ice. However, I am looking forward to spending some time today in front of the fireplace reading seed catalogs and the first of several gardening books I was given this year. I have just started to look over "Landscaping with Native Plants of Wisconsin" and it looks interesting. While reading, I can almost picture how the Ostrich Ferns I will plant this spring will look in the corner by the fence.

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